Students in grades five through twelve have the opportunity to learn to play a band instrument. Instrumentalists are taught the fundamentals of their individual instruments and music reading through classes that meet three days a week. An emphasis on overall musicianship is achieved through preparation for performances as a large ensemble and with smaller groups. Band students also have the opportunity to audition for the S.C. Region Band and All State ensembles, which are comprised of students representing both public and independent schools.
The choirs of Heathwood Hall have enjoyed a long-standing tradition of excellence. Heathwood Hall students have the opportunity to participate in a choral program that emphasizes music theory, music history, and choral performance skills.
Students have the opportunity to participate in festivals and competitions, including sixth-grade SC Clinic, the Soprano Alto Tenor Bass (SATB) SC clinic, and SC All-State Chorus. They also have had the experience of performing locally, nationally, and internationally.
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