Education that goes beyond the classroom.

Education for Every Age and Every Stage
We often hear comments from students and parents about how different Heathwood is from other schools. What makes us so unique?
Early Childhood
A nurturing and unique learning environment for our two, three, and four year-olds.
Lower School
Our kindergarten to fourth-grade classes help children cultivate a love of inquiry while laying a strong academic foundation to prepare them for Middle School and beyond.
Middle School
Challenging academics meet a supportive environment on executive skills and social-emotional learning to help your child mature and thrive in fifth through eighth grade.
Upper School
Young adults are encouraged to explore their interests and deepen their academic skills and habits in preparation for their college careers.
Signature Programs at Heathwood
Why Heathwood Hall?
At Heathwood, you’ll find innovative instruction from highly qualified teachers, a challenging curriculum featuring opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning both on and off campus, proud traditions, and students who are well prepared for college and beyond.

Standard of Excellence
All children bring different talents and different challenges. But we believe that every child has the potential for academic excellence in a supportive and empowering learning environment.

Engaged, Ethical Citizenship
Heathwood is often described as a “school with a soul,” where young people learn to think critically and creatively, develop leadership and social skills, and most importantly, put service to others over the pursuit of self-interest.

Collaborative Learning
Interaction between older and younger students is a hallmark of the Heathwood Hall experience. Collaborative learning, playing and serving happen regularly on our campus, creating a sense of community among students who range in age from 2 to 18 years-old.
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The best way to experience Heathwood is to tour our campus and talk to our teachers.