Enhancing Athletic Programs and Facilities

The Highlander Athletics Booster Club (HABC) vigorously supports Heathwood Hall's student-athletes and athletic events. Membership in the HABC is open to all parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends of Heathwood.  

HABC members volunteer their time and expertise to support our athletes through a variety of community-building and fundraising activities. Our members, along with parent volunteers, sell concessions at sporting events and tournaments held at the school. Additionally, advertisement opportunities are offered on our sports program, our athletics website, the digital video board, and the mobile concessions unit.

At the beginning of the school year, the Club hosts an annual social, honoring its members and the athletic coaches. Each winter, the Club hosts The Wild Game Dinner, an evening of great food, live music, and a silent auction that supports Heathwood's student-athletes. In the spring, HABC publishes the Highlander Athletics Playbook which celebrates that year's teams and players.

The HABC raises over $100,000 annually in support of our student-athletes, coaches, trainers, and athletic facilities. Thank you to our members and community for generously supporting the HABC, our students, and our school! 


HABC Volunteers

The Highlander Athletics Booster Club welcomes both parents and students to volunteer with us throughout the year. We are currently seeking assistance in our Winter Season Concession stand.

The HABC would like to offer a huge shout-out to the following parents and students who assisted during the Fall 2024 sports season - THANK YOU!

HABC 2024-2025 Honor Roll of Volunteers:

Maryanne Belser, Susannah Biel, Jatrelle Brown, Sarah Burnham, Gabe Coggiola, Shannon Darby, Sandra Dickerson, Will Edwards, Dewey Ervin, Dave Ford, Darryl Frick, Eric Gluse, Bridget Greer, Chad Greer, Jason Hawn, Heather Hinchey, Hayne Hodges, Ashley Jeffords, Wyatt Jones, Jerry Jowers, Mary Frances Jowers, Sean King, Shannon McGee, Heather Naquin, Nancy Oliver, Jason Rohde, Denise Smith, Tyler Stone, Caroline Tevepaugh, Kenneth Tucker, Becca Widener, and the Upper School Spanish Club.

Athletics Playbook

Every spring, the Highlander Athletics Booster Club (HABC) publishes the Highlander Athletics Playbook, highlighting all teams and players.


Celebrate your student-athlete or promote your business to the Heathwood community by advertising in the Playbook. Multiple ad sizes are available for any budget. All proceeds go directly to enhancing Heathwood's athletics programs and facilities.

For more advertising information, download the Highlander Athletics Playbook Media Kit or email HABC@heathwood.org.

Purchase advertisements

Past Issues

You can download and read last year's edition by clicking the image below.

2023-24 Athletics Playbook Cover

HABC Board 2024 - 2025

President: Margaret Willcox '92

Vice-President: Paul Truesdale

Treasurer: W.D. Morris '92

Secretary: Amanda Drinkall

At-Large Members: Trell Belk, Ben Bruner, Tynika Claxton, Lauren Coggiola '98, Emma Dean, Maria Genovese, Marc Gisewhite, Charlie Humphries '93, Stephanie Johnston-Thomas, Sunny Leppard, Lisa Martin, Ian McVey, Daniel Plyler, Chris Render, Stephanie Sattler, Jennifer Suber, Elizabeth Tighe, Christine Wells, and Season Zeigler