Our 41st Annual Auction is Saturday, March 29th at 7 p.m. We hope to see you all there! In the meantime, browse auction items today.
Click here for more details.
With an alumni base over 2,000 strong, our former Highlanders have a significant impact on our school. They serve as volunteers, board members, faculty, and community leaders, helping carry out the vision of Heathwood Hall. They're our family. They're our heritage. They're our pride.
Three Asks
The top three ways that you can help Heathwood are:
GIVE NOW - Click here to make your gift to the Annual Fund. Whether you participate is more important than the amount you give. Please show your support for Heathwood by donating any amount today.
VOLUNTEER - There are numerous ways to strengthen Heathwood's community after graduation. Please see below for more details.
Be added to our alumni database! You'll get networking opportunities and occasional communications about what's going on at Heathwood.
Alumni Opportunities
Promote Your Organization
Let Heathwood connect you with others who have also made educating the next generation their priority.
Please register your business or organization in the Heathwood Business Directory, which is made available to all Heathwood families. Contact our Alumni Director, Beth Robinson, to be added to the list.
Heathwood offers two excellent advertising opportunities to its alumni and families. Heathwood hosts the Annual Auction every spring and produces an extensive auction catalog. The Highlander Athletics Booster Club (HABC) also publishes the Athletics Playbook, which lists all teams and rosters for the academic year. Because these magazines reach so many Heathwood families, they are excellent advertising channels that benefit both your business and Heathwood. For more information, please contact Erin Pope about the auction catalog at epope@heathwood.org or the HABC about the playbook at mailto:habc@heathwood.org.
Join the Alumni Council
The Council comprises alumni of all ages who work with the Alumni Relations Coordinator to reach out to their classmates, meet quarterly to plan projects/events, and advise. Council members may invite fellow alumni to events, get life updates, solicit their Annual Fund support, or start planning reunions. Contact us for more information about how to get involved with Alumni Council.
Host International Students
Our growing international student population requires more Heathwood families to open up their homes. Most of our international students are from China, hoping for a better education and an increased chance of college acceptance in the US. Contact Alison Edwards for more information.
There are numerous ways to continue contributing to Heathwood after graduation:
Serve as a mentor and expert on a Senior Exhibition Committee. Contact Lisa Norman, Assistant Head of Upper School.
Share your professional experience with students during Middle School Career Day. Contact Stacey Gross, Middle School Counselor.
Participate in Grandparents Day. Contact Lara Winburn, Director of Development and Advancement.
Assist in the Lower or Upper School Library. Contact our librarians, Jack Sutton or Susan Powell.
Help the HABC run concessions during athletics events. Sign up here.
Please consider donating to Heathwood's Annual Fund and participating in Pledge Plaid, Heathwood's annual celebration of our donors and their support. Alumni participation is more important to us than the amount of your gift, so please donate today. See the current Annual Fund Honor Roll of Alumni donors here and be sure your name is on the list! Follow us on social media for all the details.