Episcopal Tradition

Heathwood Hall is an Episcopal school. As such, we are charged with the educational and spiritual development of students of all faiths and backgrounds. While most of our students are Christian, we welcome students from all religions and cultural backgrounds and feel that our community is richer for that diversity.
Like all Episcopal schools, Heathwood integrates spiritual formation into students’ daily experience. All students and faculty gather for worship and prayer each week in the Chapel of the Epiphany. We use the Episcopal Church’s Book of Common Prayer and honor all religious holidays. We seek unity through common prayer, not common doctrine. As an Episcopal community, we worship, learn, and serve together in the recognition that God is the center of life.
With God’s help, Heathwood strives for justice and peace among all peoples, respects the dignity of every human being, embraces social responsibility and is devoted to good stewardship of the earth. Every subject at every level is taught in the context of a community of learners created in the image of God.
Through the habit of regular Chapel attendance, our students experience the rhythms of corporate worship, the benefits of common prayer, and the value of spiritual reflection. It is our hope they become more able to grapple with life’s meaning and value and to practice those lessons of mind and heart in the world.
The Episcopal School for All
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The best way to experience Heathwood is to tour our campus and talk to our teachers.