Extended Learning is dedicated to providing excellent care and enriching opportunities for students outside the regular school day. Through Afternoon Express, The Thought Studio, Enrichment Activities, and Summer Programs, our teachers extend the curricular goals from the classroom and continue to develop students' intellectual, creative, and moral capacities.

Learn more and register for each program below.

Afternoon Express

Early Childhood and Lower School
Afternoon Express (AE) serves students in the Early Childhood and Lower School divisions. AE teachers provide after school snacks, support homework, and engage students in meaningful games and activities that complement the curricular goals of the school day.

The Thought Studio

Middle School
The Thought Studio is Heathwood’s after-school program for Middle School students. It provides a space for quiet studying as well as a place for safe fun and socialization.

Enrichment Activities

Early Childhood and Lower School
Enrichment Activities provide a variety of exciting afterschool activities.