Homecoming: Part 2 + Senior Night

Homecoming: Part II will be celebrated on Friday, October 28th alongside Senior Night and the Heathwood vs Hammond varsity football game.

In late September, Hurricane Ian forced us to reschedule all Homecoming events except for the parade and crowning of the Homecoming Court. Nevertheless, if the Homecoming Parade is any indication of the energy and enthusiasm that will be on display next week, Homecoming will to be a memorable day of spirit and cheer.


Gameday Events

Friday, October 28th

Pep Rally

Upper Gym | 2:15 p.m.

Family BBQ

Baseball Field | 6:00 p.m.

Buy Family BBQ Tickets

Alumni Beer & Cheer

Averyt Tennis Pavilion | 6:00 p.m.

Buy Alumni Beer and Cheer Tickets

Heathwood Highlanders vs Hammond Skyhawks

Highlander Stadium | 7:30 p.m.

Current Heathwood students, faculty, and Highlander Athletic Booster Club (HABC) members are admitted to games for free with a Heathwood Hall ID or HABC membership card. All others must purchase tickets online in advance.

Senior Night

Highlander Stadium | Halftime

Senior athletes participating in fall sports will be recognized at halftime with their families.

Buy Tickets     Join HABC


Important Information

Game Night Parking

The Senior (asphalt lot adjacent to Athletic Center) and Junior (gravel adjacent to baseball field) lots are reserved for Super Blue, Blue and Green HABC members only and handicap parking. HABC Members must have their parking tags visibly displayed on their rear view mirror. If the gravel Junior lot fills, then Green members will have to park elsewhere. Please consider arriving early.

All other fans (non-HABC members) turn right after the main gate where they will be directed to the Campus Center Parking Lot and the Dining Commons/Track/Tennis Lot.

Game officials and VIPs - coaches, officials, media, trainers, scouts, etc. - turn right after the main gate and proceed to grassy parking between tennis courts and portable classrooms.


Cheering crowd

The school spirit on display during our football games has been amazing, and with that spirit comes an infectious level of energy and excitement. We are thrilled to see so many families at our games and want everyone to have a great time at the games. We also want to make sure everyone is safe. Whenever there are many children in the same space, feeding off one another’s energy, there is an increased risk that someone may get hurt. With that in mind, and with the crowd for this Homecoming game likely to be even bigger than usual, here are a few reminders about how we can help Heathwood students find the right balance between fun and safety at football games.


In the event of lightning or other unsafe weather conditions, we will delay or suspend the game and will open both the Upper and Lower Gyms. Please take your children inside one of the gyms until we give the all-clear. Note that while you may feel safe and sheltered underneath the Upper Gym, lightning can still strike beneath the building, so it is important to be inside during a storm.


For many younger Highlanders, running and playing with friends is one of the highlights of attending football games. However, when their play is unsupervised, it can have a tendency to get too rough, or children may wander off into parts of campus where they may get lost or injured. Moreover, during football games, Heathwood becomes a more public space with guests from other schools, rather than the secure campus where all visitors must be vetted as it is during the week. For both of these reasons, we ask that you please supervise your children while they’re playing. We especially ask that students not play touch football without supervision, as the pick-up games always become rougher than initially intended if they are not monitored.

Restricted Areas

Please remind your children where it is and isn’t safe to play. For their safety, they should not venture onto the baseball field or the practice field, where they could get hurt playing on the soccer goals or the football equipment. They should also remain in well-lighted areas and away from the trees and shrubbery around the stadium or the track pavilion. Younger children should also avoid standing on the sidelines, where football players could inadvertently hurt them as they hurry on and off the field. And they should avoid playing under the bleachers where, again, it’s very easy for them to get hurt. As always, they are welcome to play in the field behind the home bleachers and to hang out by the concession stand.

Thanks for your help in making sure game nights are both fun and safe for all Highlanders, and GO HALL!