Our 41st Annual Auction is Saturday, March 29th at 7 p.m. We hope to see you all there! In the meantime, browse auction items today. Click here for more details.

Securing the Future of Heathwood Hall

The funds generated from your gifts, large and small, help shape Heathwood’s quality academic programs, support outstanding teachers and coaches, and enable talented and motivated students to attend the School. 

Enjoy tax savings while supporting an organization that is important to you.

Click here for more information about Matching Gifts and search employers with matching gift programs.

Immediate Gifts

Gifts of Cash

A gift of cash is a simple and easy way to make a gift. Donors receive a charitable tax deduction that will provide tax savings during the year a cash gift is made.

Please complete the form below to make a one-time or recurring gift. You may restrict the gift to a particular cause and name whom the gift should honor if you wish.



Gifts of Securities

A gift of securities, including your stocks or bonds, is an easy way to make a gift. By making a gift of appreciated securities, donors avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise have been paid if this asset was sold. Donors receive a charitable tax deduction during the year a gift of securities is made.

Gifts of Tangible Personal Property

With a gift of tangible property such as valuable artwork, antiques, collectibles or other personal property, donors have the satisfaction of making a significant gift to Heathwood without adversely affecting their cash flow. Donors receive a charitable tax deduction during the year a gift of tangible personal property is made. 

For more information or assistance, please contact Lara Winburn, Director of Development and Advancement, at 803-231-7755 or

Planned Giving

Charitable Lead Trust

A charitable lead trust (CLT) is an irrevocable trust that provides for charitable and noncharitable beneficiaries. As the charitable beneficiary of a CLT, Heathwood receives either a fixed dollar amount each year (a charitable lead annuity trust CLAT) — or a fixed percentage of the value of the trust each year (a charitable lead unitrust CLUT). At the end of the trust term, the trust property reverts to the person who created the trust or is transferred to other non-charitable beneficiaries such as family members.

In addition to providing support to Heathwood’s now, charitable lead trusts are often used for family wealth succession and estate tax planning purposes.

Please note: Heathwood does not serve in a trustee capacity but instead works with donors and a trustee selected by the donor as the charitable lead beneficiary or “remainderman” of the trust.

Life Insurance

Life insurance policies can be used to make a substantial gift to Heathwood Hall. There are several ways to use a life insurance policy to support Heathwood, including listing the School as a beneficiary of a policy.

If Heathwood is named both the sole owner and beneficiary of a paid-up, whole-life insurance policy, donors may receive an immediate charitable deduction for the lesser of the policy’s fair market value or the policy’s cost basis. In most instances, Heathwood will surrender paid-up, whole-life insurance policies so proceeds may be used immediately.

Under certain circumstances, upon being named owner and beneficiary, Heathwood may find it more advantageous to maintain the policy until the death of the insured person. In this situation, additional premiums paid on behalf of Heathwood are tax deductible.

Charitable IRA Rollovers

Using Qualified Charitable Distributions from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is an excellent option for supporting Heathwood Hall now and can be used to fulfill multi-year pledges

If you are 70½ years old or older, this tax-savvy strategy allows you to transfer up to $100,000 annually from your IRA directly to Heathwood. Qualified Charitable Distributions count toward your IRA’s annual Required Minimum Distributions (RMD), and you pay no federal income tax on distributions transferred to Heathwood.

Deferred Gifts & Bequests

A deferred gift is one that will be received by Heathwood Hall in the future. 

Examples of deferred gifts include bequests through a will or trust and gifts directed through financial asset beneficiary designation.

A bequest is naming a recipient, like Heathwood Hall, as a full or partial beneficiary in a will or trust. A will or trust ensures that a person’s intentions are clearly expressed and will be followed by an estate administrator. 

A trust provides for the distribution of assets without the usual probate administration requirements.

  • Specific bequests are usually a stated dollar amount. Specific bequests can also be a gift of stocks or bonds, real estate, or tangible personal property. 
  • Residual bequests designate a percentage of the remainder of an estate after specific bequests have been fulfilled. 

Bequests in a will or living trust are revocable, allowing donors to maintain control and use of their assets during their lifetime. 

A bequest may also reduce a donor’s estate tax liability.

Retirement Accounts

There are many types of retirement plans and accounts, including an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), 401(k), 403(b), SEP, ESOP, etc. Qualified retirement plan assets often account for a large portion of a person’s overall net worth and estate.

Qualified retirement plan assets inherited by non-spousal beneficiaries are often one of the most heavily taxed assets in an estate, even if the estate is not large enough to trigger federal estate tax. 

As a qualified charity, Heathwood Hall does not pay income tax on gifts received from retirement plan assets. This means the full value of a large portion of your life’s savings will be used as directed by you at Heathwood Hall, increasing the gift’s impact at the School.

Making this revocable future gift is free and easy to do. Your retirement account’s plan administrator or the company that manages the account can help you designate Heathwood Hall as a beneficiary on the plan's beneficiary designation form. 

Additional Beneficiary Designation Gifts

In addition to retirement accounts and life insurance policies, there are other assets whose inheritance is governed by beneficiary designation from a financial institution. These assets include: 

  • Bank accounts and brokerage accounts with a payable on death (POD) provision; and 
  • Donor-advised fund assets (depending on the organization that manages the donor-advised fund) remaining at the time of the original donor’s death. 

These revocable future gifts are easy to complete — simply sign or update a beneficiary designation form.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Heathwood Hall can be listed as a beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust (CRT), which pays an annual amount to one or more people for a lifetime or a fixed period of years. A charitable remainder annuity trust (CRAT) offers fixed payments to donors based on initial trust value. A charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT) offers payments to donors that vary based on the performance of the trust’s investment portfolio each year. Heathwood receives the remaining trust assets at the donor’s death or the fixed term ends. 

To start the conversation about your legacy at Heathwood Hall, please contact Lara Winburn, Director of Development and Advancement, at 803-231-7755 or